Data Cleaning, Data Hygiene or a Scrub
Upload your file $0.09 per record
Identify disconnected phones $0.03 per phone
Identify Deceased $0.02 per record
Address Standardization (CASS) $0.0025 per record = $2.50 per M (thousand)
National Change of Address* (NCOA) $0.0025 per record = $2.50 per M
Private Change of Address (PCOA) $0.0025 per record = $2.50 per M
De-dupe $0.0025 per record = $2.50 per M
Identify Nursing Home Address $0.0025 per record = $2.50 per M
Identify Prison Addresses $0.0025 per record = $2.50 per M
Organize & Merge data into one file $0.0025 per record = $2.50 per M
Scrub against all Do Not Calls $0.008 Per record or $8.00 per M
Correct inconsistent or mixed fields $50./ hour
Prepare reports $50./ hour
Return both original and cleaned file No Cost
Data Enhancement; Add Elements to Increase Value
Add a phone to an address $0.10 per record
Add an address to a phone number $0.10 per record
Add an address to a VIN $0.10 per record (higher for small runs)
Add a VIN to an Address $0.10 per record (higher for small runs)
Add an email to an address $0.12 per record
Data Enhancement; Add Demographics
Add demographic overlays including age, income, networth, family composition, dwelling type, length of residence and many others; inquire.
*This quotes a 48 Month NCOA which is recommended.